Rejoins La Tribu

You are so welcome to join our community!

please fill this information to become a member

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A baby is maybe coming...

1st Trimester [Congrats Mom&Dad]
2nd Trimester [girl or boy?]
3rd Trimester [be patient...arriving soon]
4th Trimester [post-partum time]

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Or I am thinking about it?!


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Becoming a member of the Tribe, I would like to :

Encourage mutual aid and support
Share information and experiences
Meet new people
Organize playdates outings and participate in activities
Feel less isolated and better informed

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I join the Tribe and become a member of the entreparents network. My support will enable the community to establish,
grow and continue to develop. I will benefit from the experience and support of other parents in my community. I will become active in the mission of the network by highlighting the power of sharing. I will be given the opportunity to meet new people who I may otherwise not connect with and I will enjoy a number of benefits designed especially for me, my family and my current lifestyle.

Je joins à la présente le montant de 50 € pour ma cotisation Family-Pack (la cotisation Family-Pack est annuelle et prendra effet à la date de réception du paiement. Elle est valable pour tous les adultes d'une même famille. Les enfants étant automatiquement membres bien évidemment <3)
Family-Pack 50 € (the Family-Pack Membership is annual and will start on the date payment is received. It benefits all adults members of the same family. Children being automatically members without any subscription of course <3)s

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Je souhaite faire un don en plus de mon adhésion (ou bien sans
adhérer, juste pour soutenir l'initiative) / I want to make a donation in addition to my membership (or I only donate
to support the community without any registration) :

No donation
10 €
20 €
30 €
Other amount

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Banking information

- par chèque libellé au nom d' "entreparents" / by cheque/postale order payable to "entreparents" : à envoyer à l'adresse suivante / to the following address : Association entreparents. 40 quai Jean-Charles Rey, "Le Mistral" 98000 Monaco

- par virement bancaire aux coordonnées ci-dessous / by direct debit to : IBAN : MC58 3000 3023 0800 0372 6040 976 BIC : SOGEMCM1

- ENTREPARENTS . 40 quai Jean-Charles Rey, "Le Mistral" 98000 Monaco Association Loi 1901, le Réseau n’a pas d’activité commerciale. Le montant de votre adhésion permet d’organiser les activités du Réseau et notamment de faire face aux dépenses fonctionnelles et administratives. Les membres du bureau se sont engagés dans un projet social et solidaire, souhaitant rendre le chemin vers la parentalité plus serein et humain, en mettant en lumière le pouvoir de partager. Un concept pensé par des parents, pour les parents / Association Loi 1901, the Network has no commercial activity. Your membership will help to organize the Network's activities and in particular to cover the functional and administrative expenses. The board members committed to a social project, with the wish of making parenthood more serene and human, by highlighting the power of sharing. A concept designed by parents, for parents.

- En attendant la sortie de l'application mobile, suivez La Tribu sur les comptes Instagram & Facebook @entreparents / While waiting for the mobile app to come out, follow us on our Instagram & Facebook accounts @entreparents

Thank you so much!

Thank you for sharing and joining our community

Do you want donate to the la tripu?
Click here